The Conscious Investor
Chasing after Financial Freedom often bankrupts other parts of life.
That’s why the Conscious Investor Podcast goes beyond Financial Freedom and helps investors cultivate Personal Freedom by featuring experts in the core areas of health, mindset, and investing.
If you’re looking to grow financially, if you long to unleash your full potential, and build a life of meaning without bankrupting the most important parts of life then this show is for you!
The Conscious Investor
Rethink Real Estate: Mortgage Notes as Your Alternative Asset | Episode 551
Conscious Investor, in this episode I’m joined by Fred Moskowitz, a seasoned expert in mortgage note investing. We dive deep into the world of buying and holding mortgage notes—basically stepping into the shoes of the bank. If you’ve ever wondered how to create steady cash flow without the headaches of property management, this conversation will open your eyes to an often-overlooked real estate strategy. We break down the fundamentals, explain how to assess risk, and explore ways to get started (either actively or passively) in building a note portfolio.
I’m excited for you to hear Fred’s insights and personal experiences. As a Conscious Investor, you’ll learn how to leverage mortgage notes for stable returns, why notes may pay off sooner than you think, and how to diversify your holdings to mitigate risk. Take the time to explore Fred’s world—you might just discover a whole new avenue for scaling your income and solidifying your financial future.
Connect with Fred Moskowitz:
Website: https://www.fredmoskowitz.com/
Free Resource: https://www.giftfromfred.com/
Fred’s Books: https://www.amazon.com/stores/Fred-Moskowitz/author/B08TV98PHG?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1734566671&sr=8-1&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
Directed IRA: https://directedira.com/
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